🚀Getting Started


forge install alfheimrShiven/guardian-smart-wallet-contracts

Add @guardian-wallet/contracts=lib/guardian-smart-wallet-contracts/contracts/prebuilts/accountin the remappings.txt or remappings list of your foundry.toml file.


On Anvil (Locally):

Please make sure that the Anvil chain is running locally on your system. Run anvil in your terminal to run the Anvil chain.

make deploy_smart_wallet_factory

Deploying AccountFactory.sol will auto-deploy the following contracts along with it to enable the default features of the Guardian Smart wallet:

  1. AccountFactory.sol

  2. Guardian.sol

  3. AccountGuardian.sol

  4. AccountLock.sol

  5. AccountRecovery.sol

You can capture the deployed contract addresses from the console logs or the events emitted.

To know more about the util contracts deployed by the factory and their scope, visit the Architecture page.


On the client side:

Use the AccountFactory address directly on the client side to interact with the deployed factory contract.

In smart-contract projects

import {AccountFactory} from "@guardian-wallet/contracts/non-upgradeable/AccountFactory.sol;
import {Guardian} from "@guardian-wallet/contracts/utils/Guardian.sol;
import {AccountGuardian} from "@guardian-wallet/contracts/utils/AccountGuardian.sol;
import {AccountLock} from "@guardian-wallet/contracts/utils/AccountLock.sol;
import {AccountRecovery} from "@guardian-wallet/contracts/utils/AccountRecovery.sol;

Last updated