🤝Account Guardian

The Account Guardian contract allows smart wallet account holders to manage their account guardians.

Since the Account Guardian contract handles individual accounts' guardian operations, a new instance of the Account Guardian contract is deployed on every new smart wallet account.

You can refer to the Guardian smart wallet architecture to understand the high-level inter-dependencies between various contracts.


On the client side:

Use the AccountGuardian contract address directly on the client side to interact with the deployed contract.

In smart-contract projects:

import {AccountGuardian} from "@guardian-wallet/contracts/utils/AccountGuardian.sol"


function addGuardian(address guardian)

Add guardians for your smart wallet.

Can only be called by the smart wallet account, AccountLock and AccountRecovery.


guardian the verified guardian address being added as an account guardian.

function removeGuardian(address guardian)

A user will be able to remove allotted guardian(s) from their smart-wallet guardian list. The address should be a registered guardian for the account.

Can only be called by the smart wallet account, AccountLock and AccountRecovery.


guardian address of the guardian the user wishes to remove.

function getAllGuardians() -> address[] memory

Returns a list of all added account guardians for the sender’s smart wallet account.

Can only be called by the smart wallet account, AccountLock and AccountRecovery.


address[] List of account guardians of the sender’s smart wallet.

function isAccountGuardian(address guardian) -> bool

Returns a boolean value indicating if the guardian is the sender’s guardian or not.

Can only be called by the smart wallet account, AccountLock and AccountRecovery.


guardian guardian to be checked for


bool Bool flag indicating if the guardian is guarding the account

function getTotalGuardians() -> uint256

This will return the number of guardians allotted for a smart wallet account. Will be used when creating shards of the account's private key.


uint256 No. of allotted account guardians

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